Thursday, February 11, 2010

First post of all time!

I figure since it's the first year of a new decade... why not start off the decade with a blog? I can't say how often I'll post on this thing... how good they'll be, or if I'll give up blogging completely in a month, or after this first post. I've just been reading a lot of top ten lists recently so, you guessed it! A top ten of the decade list from yours truly (that's me) comin' right up! These movies are movies that came out in the last decade that dramatically changed the way I see filmmaking in some way or another. They're not, by any means the most influential/best films of the decade (who am I to say what those are anyway?). And they are in no particular order. But, I tend to think of things chronologically, so they'll mostly be in the order that I watched them.

10) Mystery Men (a movie I started quoting in high school and am still quoting)
9) Gladiator (the first film where I actually noticed the cinematography)
8) Gran Torino (this movie is definitely Clint Eastwood's strongest statement. Do I agree with all his statements? Not really. But, there are some really great messages and themes in here. Plus, it's just a really great film)
7) A Beautiful Mind (the plot of this movie just really pulled a number on me in high school)
6) Dancer in the Dark (this movie made me realize the power of story above anything else)
5) Unbreakable (the first Shyamalan film I ever saw. It's still my favorite)
4) Million Dollar Baby (such a simple and relaxed pace to the movie, yet it's so gripping. I had never seen a drama bring me in so completely)
3) Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Lucas accomplished some VERY epic shots in this movie that I did not think could ever be pulled off. Say what you want, he did something no one had ever done before)
2) Up (made me realize how simple and elegant a story you can use to communicate profound messages)
1) Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (When I watched this for the first time, I was literally pushing myself against the back of my seat I was so tense. This movie moved me in a way no other film has before. Ever. I literally did not know a movie could be this good.)

With all that said, I'm not even sure if these are truly my top ten films of the decade. One or two films are bound to pop in my head that I'll probably wish were on this list instead of some of the films that are. In fact, I've already replace a film that used to be on this list.
So, there you go. William's top ten movies of 2000-2010! Probably one of the most trivial things I could think of to post for my first post (well okay, not THE most trivial). But, I think that it's good for my first post to be nice and light. That way I have fun and don't get burned out.... and I'm not burned out! And I did have fun!


  1. Welcome to the thoughtful world of blogging. It's way more reflective than Facebook. I loved reading about your top 10 movies. Makes me want to watch them....

  2. I'm glad you're blogging, William! It's something I've thought about doing but never followed through with. Well, I did once, but I ran out of things to say really quickly. Good stuff! Keep it up!
